During my research into conventional posters for bands of
similar genre, I noticed multiple conventions which I will try and use in my
own designs to achieve a professional effect and to fit the style of the genre
as best as I can. Firstly, I noticed many posters have a simple colour scheme,
usually with three colours, often, one of them being black or white, sometimes
both, many posters use a whit on black colour scheme. I also discovered that
many posters use highly contrasting text as both a stylistic choice and as a
functional choice, as it looks good and makes the text easy to read. Depending
on the style and purpose of the poster, I’ve found that, they conventionally
contain either, a central image of the band, a list of tour dates and venues or
other important information, focused around the centre, with the top of the
poster reserved for the bands name and the tour name. I’ve also found that
instead of text the posters often use
the bands logo or the tour logo to replace the band’s name or tour name,
assuming that the band or tour has a text based logo. I have also found
conventionally the backgrounds of the posters are either, dark, or light
depending on colour scheme, and contain little in the way of detail so as not
to distract from the information in the foreground.